RMAA Newsletter August 2018

The RMAA August Newsletter contains the following topics:

  1. 2018 RMAA Conference & Congress
  2. Northern Cape RMAA Workshop
  3. RMAA Price Information System
  4. RMAA Diaries
  5. RMAA Website
  6. RMAA Industry
  7. Matters
  8. Leather pipeline: Brighter prospects for the industry in 2019
  9. BFAP Launch
  10. RMAA Staff
  11. AST Feedback
  12. Skills Development Facilitator (SDF)
  13. Associated Member – NDC Structural Engineering Consultants
  14. AMT Trends Report


Summary of the RMAA August Newsletter:

  • 2018 RMAA Conference and Congress took place on the 13 – 15 June 2018, at Spier Wine Farms.  Find feedback on the RMAA Congress on page 2 – 3, photos on page 4, CPD point information, along with the new RMAA Board members on page 5.
  • The RMAA will be hosting a workshop on the 24th August 2018, in Calvinia. Find out more on the topics and details on page 6 – 9. Please remember to send your registration forms to info@rmaa.co.za
  • The RMAA strives to create and maintain an information system containing relevant and historical data essential for planning and development purposes. The primary objective is to timeously release accurate and valid information to the benefit of the South African abattoirs industry.  Find out more information on the RMAA Price Information System on page  10, with comparison graphs for Cattle, Sheep and Pigs on pages 11-12
  • We are currently busy with the 2019 RMAA Diaries for the abattoirs. Should you wish to advertise in the RMAA Diaries please contact Michelle at marketing@rmaa.co.za
  • We would like to expand the RMAA Website to include a page for all the Association’s members. Should you wish to make use of this opportunity please contact Michelle at 0123491237 or marketing@rmaa.co.za
  • Find out on all the Industry Matters, from Listeriosis, all the new and amended regulations, National Regulator for Compulsory Specification Act (Act 5 of 2008) as Amended through the Legal Metrology Act (Act 9 of 2014), Draft changes to the Animal Protection Act, Independent Meat Inspection, Industry liaison with DAFF and export on hides on pages 14 – 17
  • The current situation in the leather industry is very different to the previous crises it has gone through, but there is the possibility of “fundamental change” in 2019, according to the latest edition of our exclusive Leather Pipeline market intelligence report. Find out more regarding the Leather pipeline: Brighter prospects for the industry in 2019 on page 18
  • The BFAP baseline agricultural outlook – 2018-2027 was launched in Pretoria on 15 August 2018. Find highlights on the BFAP Launch on pages 19 -21
  • Since January 2018 the RMAA hired a few new faces, and sadly said good bye to some. Find out more on the RMAA staff members on page 22
  • Get the latest AST Feedback from Meat Examiner 6 month course, to Animal Welfare at the Abattoir, Formal Training and Learnerships on page 23-26
  • Our latest Associated Member is NDC Structural Engineering Consultants. They are able to assist you with Structural, Civil Engineering, Construction and Service Delivery fields. Find out more about NDC Structural Engineering Consultants on page 12
  • AMT Trends provides you with an in-depth analysis on the industry. Find extract of their latest report on page 29-37


For any further information or assistance please do not hesitate to contact

Red Meat Abattoir Association

Rooivleis Abattoir Vereniging

Office Cell:    +27 61 688 1126

Tel:                 +27 12 349 1237

Fax:                +27 12 349 1240





Room 179, Building no. 4, CSIR

Meiring Naudé Rd, Brummeria, 0184

P.O. Box 35889 Menlopark, 0102
