The RMAA July – August Newsletter contains the following information:
- 2018 RMAA Conference and Congress
- Price Information System
- AST Training Feedback
- Animal Welfare at the Abattoir
- Competition Commission
- NAMC Council
- RMAA Transformation Funding
- JSE Market Notice
- Independent Meat Inspection
- Notes on Food Safety from Farm to Fork
- Compulsory Community Service (CCS) Vets
- Animal Identification, Recording and Traceability
- Export to China
- Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No 119 of 1990)
- SAMIC price increases
- Update of information
For any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kindest Regards
Red Meat Abattoir Association
Rooivleis Abattoir Vereniging
Tel: +27 12 349 1237
Fax: +27 12 349 1240
Room 179, Building no. 4, CSIR
Meiring Naudé Rd, Brummeria, 0184
P.O. Box 35889 Menlopark, 0102