Launch of the National Animal Health Forum website

 At the recent National Animal Health Forum (NAHF) meeting their new website was launched and they expressed the hope that all Forum members, and visitors, will find the features and functionality robust and user-friendly. Technology and software has changed radically over the last few years and the best platform was chosen for the future.

A huge thank you went to Marzanne Polydorou for her time, effort and skill to create the website.

The website contains the following parts:

  • A Home page that contains the latest NAHF News and you will notice that all nine provincial Animal Health Forums is represented here
  • An About page that outlines who the NAHF represent, what objectives it sets out to achieve and the page contains a detailed description of the new NAHF logo
  • A Stakeholder page lists participating stakeholders and where applicable Codes of Best Practice are reflected with links to dedicated stakeholder websites
  • An Info Centre page serves a repository for downloading all current documents, articles etc., details controlled animal diseases and provides information on focussed animal health initiatives
  • A Provinces page serves as a dedicated notice board for the said province similar to the home page, but reflecting content applicable to the province specifically
  • A Calendar page contains the main AHF Meetings with links to agendas and previous minutes, Industry Workshops and Stakeholder Meetings and Calendar Events
  • A Contact page listing contact details for the NAHF.

Please feel free to send any input, dates or notices relating to Animal Health to post on this website to The NAHF is trying to encourage all provincial AHFs to post here too.
