Press Release

27 January 2022

Foot and Mouth Disease: Mtubatuba Outbreak Follow up Report and Surveillance Update

Report compiled by:
Directorate: Animal Health

This report includes all information as available by close of business on 27 January 2022. All
the updates contained in this report may not currently reflect on the OIE WAHIS system due to technical difficulties with the OIE reporting system.  Update reports will be issued on a monthly basis, unless there are significant changes to the previous report.

  1. Current Situation

Since the previous update report of December 2021, there has been a change in the number of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) affected locations in KwaZulu-Natal Province. At the time of the last report, there were 26 affected locations. Since then, two locations have been resolved and closed with the OIE, and one new location has been added. There are therefore currently 25 affected locations.

Serological and clinical surveillance is ongoing. Movement control measures remain in place in the
reduced Disease Management Area.  The map hereunder indicates the FMD outbreaks in KwaZulu-Natal since the start of the event in May 2021. Red dots indicating open outbreaks and stars indicating outbreaks that have been closed with the OIE.