Welcome to Amie’s April/May Newsletter
From the desk of Paul
February and March were not easy months. We faced challenges from ITAC/SAPA duty applications and proposed new veterinary tariffs, but we managed! With the help of our legal team Amish Kika, a letter was received from the Office of the State Attorney confirming that they do not intend opposing Amie’s Application, on condition each party pay their own costs.
This is an important success for Amie members, and it means that the tariffs on imported meat will not be charged any longer until the Department undertakes a full process. Well done Amish!
ITAC Application Update
The ITAC/SAPA duty application remains a critical fight for the industry. We have been diligently viewing the SAPA public file and are now in the last leg of the process. The application is for 82% on bone-in and boneless chicken from non-EU sources. We have filed a response, part of which applied pressure on SAPA to provide 2018 numbers.
VPN 56/2019-01
Microbiology Special Insert – Santie van Niekerk
On 23 January 2019, the National Executive Officer (NEO) has, in terms of regulations issued under section 22 of the Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act No. 40 of 2000), approved the requirements for registration of testing laboratories responsible for the analysis of samples for monitoring and verification of hygiene of meat and products of animal origin.
All laboratories responsible for the testing of samples from animals, meat and meat products for zoonotic pathogens, hygiene indicator organisms, chemical residues, contaminants, water, environmental samples, antimicrobial resistance, species identification and testing samples for specific diseases must be registered or designated by the NEO.
Brexit and Implications for the South African Economy and Trade
During April the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) hosted an interactive stakeholder session on BREXIT and the implication for the South African economy and trade. A detailed brief of the proceedings and outcomes of the session will be shared in due course, but in the meantime, they shared this very comprehensive overview of possible scenario’s:
Disease Outbreak Updates
On 7 January 2019 an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) was confirmed in the Vhembe district of Limpopo Province. On 1 April DAFF released an updated report on the outbreak.
An outbreak was reported on 10 April 2019 to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) on a farm in North West Province in the Zeerust area and has since been placed under quarantine by provincial veterinary services who are doing follow-up investigations and applying disease control.
Meatless Future Trends
Nestlé SA has announced their plans to launch a soy-based meatless burger in Europe and the US this year.
As consumers reduce their meat intake, food companies are racing to find alternatives.
FTI Consult Feedback
SAPA’s application for an increase in the customs Duty on Bone in Chicken and Boneless cuts, Amie commissioned FTI Consulting to comment on select aspects of SAPA’s application, to provide a view on whether further protection of South Africa’s broiler industry is justified.
SAPA argues that a large increase in low priced import volumes of boneless cuts and bone-in portions is the primary reason for a substantial decrease in the market shares and the profitability of SACU producers. It attempts to illustrate that the landed cost of
dutiable imports undercut the participating producers SACU sales ex-factory price by a greater margin than their net profit margin during the period under consideration.
USA EEPC Applications
“Trading Partner” & “Elite Trading Partner” Membership Opportunities
On the Radar
Keeping an eye out for the following burning issues:
- Update on SAPA/ITEC Duty Campaign
- Launch of the Ring-Test Study Assessment
- Sunset Reviews
- AMIE will be launching an exciting report which will be of interest to all members in May/June 2019.
For more information contact Amie
Southdowns Ridge Office Park, Nellmapius Drive, Irene, Centurion
+27 (0) 12 003 3362