NAMC Transformation Digest Issue 9 – Aug 2019

NAMC Transformation Digest Issue No: 9 The work of the NAMC’s Transformation Review Committee in collaboration with agricultural industries on the 20 % levy expenditure meant for transformation: The progress thus far. Transformation within the pork industry. Transformation within the South African raisin industry. New years of farming can add synergy to the accumulated years […]

NAMC Agritrust Digest Issue 9 – Sept 2019

Agri-Trust Digest Issue no: 9 1. The contribution of the industry trusts to transformation: The progress thus far 2. The activities of the NAMC’s Agricultural Industry Trusts Division 3. The governance of the trusts   Read the complete issue Online PDF

AMIE Newsletter October 2019

Association of Meat Importeres & Exporters

WELCOME TO OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Last word from David Wolpert This is my final AMIE newsletter before retirement. I will say my goodbyes to members at our AGM and then directly, to each member, before I leave. I have had great pleasure updating members on important industry issues over the last 10 years, and I […]

AMIE Newsletter August 2019

Association of Meat Importeres & Exporters

Welcome to AMIE’s August Newsletter FROM THE DESK OF PAUL One year at the helm and what a year; especially the last six months. However, in saying that, I am optimistic, and the Association is strong as ever. Amie has been dealing with several challenges, such as the SAPA/ITAC proposed tariff increase on Bone-In and […]